发现个不错的Python IDE:PyCharm
2010 9 21 01:42 PM 7954次查看
虽然还是Preview版,不过功能已经很全了,例如支持Google App Engine和各种版本控制软件(如SVN、Git和Hg等),可以重构代码。最重要的功能当然是代码提示和补完了,以前用SciTE时已经觉得很不错了,没想到现在这个更加智能,可以分析你自己实现的类:
其实我装了很多个Python版本,不过PyCharm自动选择了最新的3.1.1版本。设置里有个Python Interpreters选项,可以自己设置Python解释器路径。
不过我去尝试申请了一下,没有成功,原因是至少要已经开发3个月,且背后有个有活跃的开发者社区支持(原文是:being developed for not less than 3 months and having a vital and active developers community supporting your project)。
- You are the project lead or a committer
- You have been working on your open source project for a minimum of 3 months
- Your community is active. This means that you have recent activity in your newsgroups or forums
- You have an updated News section on your site
- You release updated builds on a regular basis